Episodes 7 and 8 of Single’s Hellfire exhibited the show that was beginning to emit in Fiery blaze. In any case, before all the show, the celebrated South Korean dating series uncovered the two challengers that Se-jun and Lim Min-su picked. Most would agree that even the specialists and different hopefuls were stunned by both their decisions.


Before pursuing their choice, every one of had the opportunity to spend and get to know different challengers on the abandoned island. In the wake of conversing with the young ladies, Se-jun was dazzled with both Se-jeong and Lee Nadine. Be that as it may, the one challenger he felt was at the forefront of his thoughts the most was So-e. He decided to go to heaven with her.

In the mean time, in spite of the fact that Min-su was drawn to Yoong-jae from the time she entered heaven, in the wake of having a discussion with Kim Jin-youthful, he decided to go to heaven with her in Single’s Fiery blaze season 2.

So-e was stunned that Kim Se-jun picked her to go to heaven in Single’s Fiery blaze season 2

Preceding Se-jun’s choice, the ladies were anticipating who he would pick. Nearly everybody anticipated that it would be Se-jeong or Lee Nadine in light of the fact that he thought that they are effective.

Yet, when Se-jun uncovered that it was So-e, she was stunned. Others were glad that things were at long last pivoting for the candidate, as was she.

Subsequent to showing up in heaven, Se-jun uncovered that he had two motivations behind why he picked So-e to go with him to heaven. The Single’s Fiery blaze hopeful shared,

“Above all else, I initially toward the starting in the cafeteria, immediately, I thought you were great. You were adorable and super pleasant. In the wake of conversing with you, I recently thought, it would be enjoyable to go with you.” He proceeded,

“Likewise, when we talked, you said you’re all companions. You’ve become companions with them and they all treat you serenely. From the get go, you were a piece miserable about it, and we’ll, you expressed these things. So I brought you since I needed to show you that I don’t feel as such.”

Se-jun asked So-e assuming she was keen on any other person before he could show up on the island. So-e let him know that she was for sure inspired by somebody, and picked a similar individual two times. However, they didn’t pick her. However, that didn’t influence Se-jun’s assessment of her.

So-e had recently addressed and focused on her affections for Yoong-jae two times. Be that as it may, he turned her down. Toward the finish of episode 6, So-e addressed him and said that in spite of the fact that her affections for him were solid, she comprehended that Yoong-jae was keen on another person.

Single’s Fiery blaze season one and two are accessible to stream just on Netflix.