The horrendous homicide of Aisling has stunned and disheartened individuals of Tullamore. Individuals are grieving her misfortune, and specialists try to get the executioner as quickly as time permits.

Tullamore: Who Is Josef Puska? Jozef Puska is an unknown man riding a consuming bike in a CCTV photo. Be that as it may, while the request is as yet in progress, it is difficult to say whether he is the genuine killer.

His age has not been uncovered, nor has some other individual data. As per a CCTV shot acquired by the source, an obscure man riding a rough terrain bike seems, by all accounts, to be in the Irish town of Tullamore, and Joseph is connected to the rider of that bicycle, however no move has been made.

A public part supposedly carried the photograph to the police, and the assessment gathering ought to have investigated it. Police are researching whether the aggressor followed possible casualties along the waterway in the 24 hours paving the way to Murphy’s demise.

Was Josef Puska Arrested For Aisling Murder?As per a few  sources, Josef Puska has been secured by police. He has not been sentenced for Murphy’s homicide, and the examination is as yet continuous.

Josef is just a suspect, and the police office still can’t seem to find who killed Aisling. As indicated by sources, police are investigating whether the aggressor followed potential casualties around the channel 24 hours before the demise of Ms. Murphy.

— The Good Grief Trust (@goodgrieftrust) January 18, 2022

Truly, the proper assertion naming the executioner is as yet underway, and it could be some time before the real culprit is uncovered. Is Josef Puska solvakia In Jail? Josef Puska might be in authority, despite the fact that it is obscure in the event that he is in prison or not.

He has not been sentenced for Murphy’s homicide, and the examination is as yet continuous. As per reports, a big part of the general population has provided the police with the photo of his face. And keeping in mind that the examination is progressing, no choice has been made.