Wesley Brownlee arose as an essential suspect in a progression of shootings that happened in Stockton, California, between April 10, 2021, and September 27, 2022. The sequential assaults have allegedly prompted seven passings and one non-lethal injury across eight separate episodes.


On October 15, 2022, Stockton specialists captured Wesley Brownlee in association with the slayings. The suspects were generally not burglarized after the killings. Specialists accept that the casualties were generally picked aimlessly, and that the binge was not connected with group action.

East Province Today revealed that in the different shooting occurrences, the casualties were all designated in genuinely disengaged, faintly lit regions during late evenings or early mornings. It is accepted that a ‘phantom weapon’, or an untraceable and unserialized gun, was utilized in something like three of the killings.

NPR recognized the suspect as a thin, 5’10 male clad in a dim hooded coat and dark facial covering. The casualties were all male, with the exception of Natasha LaTour, a 46-year-elderly person who endure being shot on various occasions on April 16, 2021. Everything except one of the casualties were shot in Stockton. The primary casualty, 39-year-old Miguel Vasquez, was lethally shot in East Oakland on April 10, 2021.

Wesley Brownlee’s October capture happened after Stockton specialists found him passing through the city roads with a dark facial covering and a gun.

Boss Stanley McFadden of the Stockton Police Division said that when Wesley Brownlee was distinguished by specialists, he was supposedly looking through the parks and rear entryways of the city.

As indicated by the Watchman, McFadden added:

While little else is had some significant awareness of Wesley Brownlee, specialists detailed that he has a lawbreaker record tracing all the way back to when he was 15 years of age. He has been sentenced in the past of wrongdoings, for example, medication and traffic-related infringement in the Provinces of Arizona and California.

According to KCRA, at the hour of his capture, Brownlee was a transporter who had as of late moved from Oakland to Stockton.

In an authority explanation, Lead prosecutor Tori Verber Salazar said:

“The San Joaquin Region Lead prosecutor’s Office keeps on teaming up with our nearby policing to guarantee equity for these casualties.” Salazar proceeded to praise the Stockton experts for viewing as the suspect.

— Henry K. Lee (@henrykleeKTVU) December 28, 2022

“We might want to thank the local area for their help and policing their persistent examination and dread of the suspect.”